You Can Rest
Italian Design Furniture

Cookies Policy

Cookies used by the present website The use of cookies is included in privacy policy – general conditions issued by Data Controller, N.E.W.S. Srl. – with legal headquarter registered office in SS. 96, km. 96+800, Z.I. Mellitto, 70025 Grumo Appula (BA). For Privacy Policy pursuant section 13 of Italian Data Protection Code click here. Cookies are small text strings that the websites visited send to the devices, where they are stored and relayed once the user visits the website again. Cookies may perform different functions and have got different features. Cookies can be used by Data Controller either by Third Parties. Here below you’ll find all the information related to cookies used by the present website, together with the instructions which will help you to manage your cookies preferences.

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text strings that the websites visited send to the devices, where they are stored and relayed once the user visits the website again.
Cookies may perform different functions and have got different features. Cookies can be used by Data Controller either by Third Parties.
Here below you’ll find all the information related to cookies used by the present website, together with the instructions which will help you to manage your cookies preferences.
Cookies may be set by the website you are visiting (so-called first party cookies) or they may be set by other websites (so-called third party cookies).
Below you will find all the information about the cookies installed through this site, and the necessary guidance on how to manage your preferences regarding them.
Cookies used by this site
The use of cookies by the owner of this site, N.E.W.S. Srl. Registered office: SS. 96, km. 96+800, Z.I. Mellitto, 70025 Grumo Appula (BA), is framed in the Privacy Policy of the same; for all information required by art. 13 Privacy Code click here.
1. Technical cookies that do not require consent:
The following cookies are used for activities that are strictly necessary for the operation of the site and the provision of the service:

The following preference-saving and optimisation cookies are used:
Statistical cookies are used directly by the site operator to collect information in aggregate form: Third-party technical cookies Google Analytics – User data not profiled at IP level.


Privacy policy:

All technical cookies do not require consent, so they are installed automatically after access to the site.

2.Cookies for which consent is required
All cookies other than the technical ones mentioned above are installed or activated only after the user has given his or her consent the first time he or she visits the site. Consent may be expressed in a general manner, by interacting with the short information banner on the landing page of the site, according to the procedures indicated in that banner (by clicking on the OK or X button; or by continuing navigation, also by scrolling or through a link); or it may be provided or denied selectively, according to the procedures indicated below. A record of this consent is kept on subsequent visits. However, the user always has the possibility of revoking all or part of the consent already given.

a) Advertising profiling cookies managed directly by the site owner: no such cookies are used.

b) Cookies managed by third parties
Cookies managed by third parties are also installed on this site. You will find below some indications, and a link to the privacy policy and the consent form of each of them. For all of them, you can also express your consent by continuing browsing or closing this window.
b1) advertising profiling cookies: no such cookies are used
b2) retargeting cookies: no such cookies are used
b3) Social network cookies: Cookies in this category are used for sharing content on social networks.
You will find below the names of the third parties who manage them, and for each of them the link to the page where you can receive information on the processing and express your consent.

Access to information:

b4) Statistics cookies: no cookies of this category are used.

Remember that you can also manage your cookie preferences through your browser.
If you do not know the type and version of browser you are using, click on Help in the browser window at the top, from where you can access all the necessary information.
If you know your browser, click on the one you are using to access the cookie management page.
Internet Explorer

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

COOKIES POLICY Extended statement
N.E.W.S. Srl., in person of its legal representative, with legal headquarter registered office in SS. 96, km. 96+800, Z.I. Mellitto, 70025 Grumo Appula (BA) – Data Controller pursuant Article 28 of D. Lgs. 196/2003, gives you all the information about cookies used by this website.